Whether you have cable or you’re a cord cutter with an HD Antenna, Tivo Bolt is your chance to beat the system. Bolt even lets you watch TV on the go with the Tivo app.
You don’t have to use your cable company’s equipment. Upgrade to TiVo BOLT and replace that ordinary cable box with something extraordinary. You keep your existing service, but maximize your cable subscription. The benefits truly kick butt.
Tired of trying to time commercial breaks and pissing everybody off. It’s virtually impossible. We’ve made skipping commercials totally goof-proof. No more over-shootage, premature playage or show-blow. When a commercial break approaches, just hit a single button and resume your show instantly. Unwatchable TV suddenly becomes watchable. TiVo applies SkipMode to recordings you schedule on the 20 most popular TV networks in America.
Life is short, and sometimes you just want to make the world go faster. That’s why TiVo BOLT is equipped with its own nitrous button. Speed through your recorded shows—and non-live shows with a buffer—30% faster than normal speed—and the audio is pitch-corrected so you won’t miss a word. QuickMode is especially useful for slow-moving news shows, sports like baseball, golf and soccer, and those overly-long award shows.
Say goodbye to switching inputs, juggling remotes, wrangling devices and navigating multiple experiences. TiVo unifies all your entertainment into one simplified system—no more remote-hoarding for you.